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Loyalty: Them, Us, You & Me

The word loyalty is defined as giving or showing firm and constant support to a person or institution. Loyalty is having their best interest at heart and ensuring that relationship is reciprocal.

When asked about our business model, I had not really thought about it or what it should be. A business model is simply a design/plan to identify revenue sources, customer base, products and financing. This is way past my high school education and even concerned me for awhile that how can I run a business without some grand plan! After talking to my CEO (wife), it became very clear what are model is based on; loyalty!

Our loyalty is first and foremost to THEM, the people that depend on well trained and educated firefighters and officers to save and help them during their worst day. If were not loyal to THEM, why do we even exist?

The next thing is US, that's our team and partners. We have some incredible instructors on our team and we also work with some of the best Cadres in the country. We believe in unwavering support for our team and partners. We support and promote our instructors, but firmly believe the fire service is a close knit community with some very dedicated and talented people. Were loyal to groups and conferences that are about the mission first, some of these include CF Tactics, Brothers in Battle (PDX Firemanship), Bearers of the Oath, FD Tactics, Port City Training, Stretching for Success, and 1st Due Tactics.

Were loyal to YOU! This includes individuals that we teach with and even more importantly the students. How can any instructor not be loyal to his or her students? This is demonstrated by being prepared, by staying current, being patient, willingness to work for the students and giving maximum effort in everything from a lecture to hours of live fire training! The other part of YOU are the people we associate with and promote, including sponsors. There are far too many people to list here, but we have a very simple philosophy; if you place yourself over others, beat your own drum and just look for attention and accolades, we wont support or promote your message! It's not all about you!

Loyal to ME, if an instructor or firefighter does not invest in themselves, how can they serve and be loyal to others? Leaders that only focus on themselves will fail, but they also have to put in the work to better themselves for the people they work for and with. We has to be on this list, but we also have to understand where we fall on this list.

Is this a Harvard business model, not even close! However, it's a model we believe in and our instructors believe in. If we are not able to be LOYAL to THEM, US, YOU & ME what kind of business, leader or firefighters are we?

Keep Training!

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Jake Hill
Jake Hill
Apr 02, 2021



Kevin Mccart
Kevin Mccart
Apr 02, 2021

Love it, strong words. Couldn’t agree more. Gonna be a fun ride.

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